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Uninstall Microsoft Mouse Mac Os X

Before you remove Office for Mac 2011, quit all Office applications and make sure there's nothing in Trash that you want to keep. Leave Office applications closed while you go through this process. Uninstall Office for Mac 2011. Remove the Microsoft Office 2011 folder. Download Mac App Remover 3.1 In the upper-right corner of your screen, click the Magnifier icon to open Spotlight Search. Type “Microsoft Mouse 8.2” in the box, and you will see the related folder(s)/file(s). According to the result, respectively drag it (them) to the Trash. Apr 20, 2018 To configure the IntelliPoint software, follow the steps that are listed for your operating system. On the Apple menu, click System Preferences. Click Microsoft Mouse. Note If this is the first time that you add a customized setting for a program, you may receive the following message.


Você pode usar este guia para desinstalar cada componente do Visual Studio para Mac individualmente navegando até a seção relevante ou usar os scripts fornecidos na seção Script de Desinstalação para desinstalar tudo.You can use this guide to uninstall each component in Visual Studio for Mac individually by navigating to the relevant section, or you can use the scripts provided in the Uninstall Script section to uninstall everything.


Essas informações só removerão o Visual Studio 2019 ou 2017 para Mac do computador.This information will only remove Visual Studio 2019 or 2017 for Mac from your machine.para desinstalar o Visual Studio Code, confira este problema para obter uninstall Visual Studio Code, see this issue for details.

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Scripts de DesinstalaçãoUninstall Script

Há dois scripts que podem ser usados para desinstalar o Visual Studio para Mac e todos os componentes do seu computador:There are two scripts that can be used to uninstall Visual Studio for Mac and all components for your machine:

As seções a seguir fornecem informações de como baixar e usar os scripts.The following sections provide information on downloading and using the scripts.

Microsoft remote desktop mac instructions 2016. Apr 06, 2019  For Mac users, the stalwart tool has been the Microsoft Remote Desktop connection. Available now through the Mac App store, it allows users to remotely connect to a Windows desktop.

Script do Visual Studio para Mac e do XamarinVisual Studio for Mac and Xamarin script

Você pode desinstalar os componentes do Visual Studio e do Xamarin de uma só vez usando o script de desinstalação.You can uninstall Visual Studio and Xamarin components in one go by using the uninstall script.

Esse script de desinstalação contém a maioria dos comandos que você encontrará no artigo.This uninstall script contains most of the commands that you will find in the article.Há três omissões principais do script que não estão incluídas devido a possíveis dependências externas.There are three main omissions from the script and are not included due to possible external dependencies.Para removê-las, vá para a seção relevante abaixo e remova manualmente:To remove this, jump to the relevant section below and remove them manually:

  • Desinstalação do MonoUninstalling Mono
  • Desinstalação do Android AVDUninstalling Android AVD
  • Como desinstalar o SDK do Android e o SDK do JavaUninstalling Android SDK and Java SDK

Para executar o script, execute as seguintes etapas:To run the script, do the following steps:

  1. Clique com o botão direito do mouse no script e selecione Salvar Como para salvar o arquivo no seu Mac.Right-click on the script and select Save As to save the file on your Mac.

  2. Abra o Terminal e altere o diretório de trabalho para o local em que o script foi baixado:Open Terminal and change the working directory to where the script was downloaded:

  3. Torne o script executável e execute-o com o sudo:Make the script executable and the run it with sudo:

  4. Por fim, exclua o script de desinstalação e remova o Visual Studio para Mac do dock (se estiver lá).Finally, delete the uninstall script and remove Visual Studio for Mac from the dock (if it's there).

Script do .NET Core.NET Core script

O script de desinstalação do .NET Core está localizado no repositório dotnet cliThe uninstall script for .NET Core is located in the dotnet cli repo

Para executar o script, execute as seguintes etapas:To run the script, do the following steps:

Sometimes the whole system would reboot when I plugged something into the front USB ports. Microsoft basic optical mouse mac driver. I've had no problems since.Later, I swapped cases around. I had the darndest time with the USB ports on my sister's old computer. I found that I missed a standoff and a screw on one of the motherboard holes.

  1. Clique com o botão direito do mouse no script e selecione Salvar Como para salvar o arquivo no seu Mac.Right-click on the script and select Save As to save the file on your Mac.

  2. Abra o Terminal e altere o diretório de trabalho para o local em que o script foi baixado:Open Terminal and change the working directory to where the script was downloaded:

  3. Torne o script executável e execute-o com o sudo:Make the script executable and the run it with sudo:

  4. Por fim, exclua o script de desinstalação do .NET Core.Finally, delete the .NET Core uninstall script.

Desinstalar o Visual Studio para MacUninstall Visual Studio for Mac

A primeira etapa da desinstalação do Visual Studio em um Mac é localizar Visual no diretório /Aplicativos e arrastá-lo para a Lixeira.The first step in uninstalling Visual Studio from a Mac is to locate Visual in the /Applications directory and drag it to the Trash Can.Como alternativa, clique com botão direito do mouse e selecione Mover para Lixeira conforme é ilustrado na imagem a seguir:Alternatively, right-click and select Move to Trash as illustrated in the following image:

A exclusão desse lote de aplicativo removerá o Visual Studio para Mac, mesmo que outros arquivos relacionados ao Xamarin ainda permaneçam no sistema de arquivos.Deleting this app bundle removes Visual Studio for Mac, even though there may be other files related to Xamarin still on the file system.

Para remover todos os vestígios do Visual Studio para Mac, execute os comandos a seguir no Terminal:To remove all traces of Visual Studio for Mac, run the following commands in Terminal:

Talvez você queira remover o seguinte diretório que contém vários arquivos e pastas do Xamarin.You may also want to remove the following directory containing various Xamarin files and folders.No entanto, antes de fazer isso, esteja ciente de que esse diretório contém as chaves de assinatura do Android.However, before you do you should be aware that this directory contains the Android signing keys.Para saber mais, consulte a seção Desinstalar o SDK do Android e o SDK do Java:For more information refer to the section Uninstalling Android SDK and Java SDK:

Desinstalar o SDK do Mono (MDK)Uninstall Mono SDK (MDK)

O Mono é uma implementação de software livre do .NET Framework da Microsoft usado por todos os Produtos Xamarin – Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android e Xamarin.Mac para permitir o desenvolvimento dessas plataformas em C#.Mono is an open-source implementation of Microsoft's .NET Framework and is used by all Xamarin Products—Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, and Xamarin.Mac to allow development of these platforms in C#.


Há outros aplicativos fora do Visual Studio para Mac que também usam o Mono, como o Unity.There are other applications outside of Visual Studio for Mac that also use Mono, such as Unity.Certifique-se de que não há outras dependências no Mono antes de desinstalá-lo.Be sure that there are no other dependencies on Mono before uninstalling it.

Para remover a Estrutura Mono de um computador, execute os seguintes comandos no Terminal:To remove the Mono Framework from a machine, run the following commands in Terminal:

Desinstalar o Xamarin.AndroidUninstall Xamarin.Android

Há um número de itens necessários para a instalação e o uso do Xamarin.Android, como o SDK do Android e o SDK do Java.There are a number of items required for the installation and use of Xamarin.Android, such as the Android SDK and Java SDK.

Uninstall Microsoft Mouse Mac Os X 10 13 Download

Use os comandos a seguir para remover o Xamarin.Android:Use the following commands to remove Xamarin.Android:

Uninstall Microsoft Mouse Mac Os X

Desinstalar o SDK do Android e o SDK do JavaUninstall Android SDK and Java SDK

O SDK do Android é necessário para o desenvolvimento de aplicativos Android.The Android SDK is required for development of Android applications.Para remover completamente todas as partes do SDK do Android, localize o arquivo em ~/Library/Developer/Xamarin/ e mova-o para a Lixeira.To completely remove all parts of the Android SDK, locate the file at ~/Library/Developer/Xamarin/ and move it to Trash.


Esteja ciente de que as chaves de assinatura do Android que são geradas pelo Visual Studio para Mac estão localizadas em ~/Library/Developer/Xamarin/Keystore.You should be aware that Android signing keys that are generated by Visual Studio for Mac are located in ~/Library/Developer/Xamarin/Keystore.Faça o backup delas de forma apropriada ou não remova esse diretório, caso queira manter seu repositório de chaves.Make sure to back these up appropriately, or avoid removing this directory if you wish to keep your keystore.

O SDK do Java (JDK) não precisa ser desinstalado, pois ele já é pré-empacotado como parte do Mac OS X / macOS.The Java SDK (JDK) does not need to be uninstalled, as it is already pre-packaged as part of Mac OS X / macOS.

Desinstalar o Android AVDUninstall Android AVD


Há outros aplicativos fora do Visual Studio para Mac que também usam o Android AVD e esses componentes Android adicionais, como o Android Studio. Remover esse diretório pode causar falhas em projetos no Android Studio.There are other applications outside of Visual Studio for Mac that also use Android AVD and these additional android components, such as Android Studio.Removing this directory may cause projects to break in Android Studio.

Para remover os Android AVDs e componentes Android adicionais, use o seguinte comando:To remove any Android AVDs and additional Android components use the following command:

Para remover apenas o Android AVDs, use o seguinte comando:To remove only the Android AVDs use the following command:

Desinstalar o Xamarin.iOSUninstall Xamarin.iOS

O Xamarin.iOS permite desenvolver aplicativos iOS usando C# ou F# com o Visual Studio para Mac.Xamarin.iOS allows iOS application development using C# or F# with Visual Studio for Mac.

Use os seguintes comandos no Terminal para remover todos os arquivos do Xamarin.iOS de um sistema de arquivos:Use the following commands in Terminal to remove all Xamarin.iOS files from a file system:

Desinstalar o Xamarin.MacUninstall Xamarin.Mac

Uninstall Microsoft Mouse Mac Os X 10 11 Download Free

O Xamarin.Mac pode ser removido do seu computador usando os dois comandos a seguir para eliminar o produto e a licença do seu Mac, respectivamente:Xamarin.Mac can be removed from your machine using the following two commands to eradicate the product and license from your Mac respectively:

Desinstalar o Workbooks e o InspectorUninstall Workbooks and Inspector


A partir do 1.2.2, o Xamarin Workbooks e Inspector podem ser desinstalados de um terminal executando:Starting with 1.2.2, Xamarin Workbooks & Inspector can be uninstalled from a terminal by running:

Para as versões mais antigas, você precisa remover manualmente os seguintes artefatos:For older versions, you need to manually remove the following artifacts:

  • Exclua o aplicativo do Workbooks em '/Applications/Xamarin'Delete the Workbooks app at '/Applications/Xamarin'
  • Exclua o aplicativo do Inspector em 'Applications/Xamarin'Delete the Inspector app at 'Applications/Xamarin'
  • Exclua os suplementos: '~/Library/Application Support/XamarinStudio-6.0/LocalInstall/Addins/Xamarin.Interactive' e '~/Library/Application Support/XamarinStudio-6.0/LocalInstall/Addins/Xamarin.Inspector'Delete the add-ins: '~/Library/Application Support/XamarinStudio-6.0/LocalInstall/Addins/Xamarin.Interactive' and '~/Library/Application Support/XamarinStudio-6.0/LocalInstall/Addins/Xamarin.Inspector'
  • Exclua o Inspector e os arquivos de suporte aqui: /Library/Frameworks/Xamarin.Interactive.framework e /Library/Frameworks/Xamarin.Inspector.frameworkDelete Inspector and supporting files here: /Library/Frameworks/Xamarin.Interactive.framework and /Library/Frameworks/Xamarin.Inspector.framework

Desinstale o Xamarin ProfilerUninstall the Xamarin Profiler

Desinstale o Instalador do Visual StudioUninstall the Visual Studio Installer

Use os comandos a seguir para remover todos os vestígios do Instalador Universal do Xamarin:Use the following commands to remove all traces of the Xamarin Universal Installer:

Desinstalar a versão prévia do Visual Studio 2019 para MacUninstall Visual Studio 2019 for Mac Preview

A versão prévia do Visual Studio 2019 para Mac foi lançado como uma versão prévia separada, permitindo que você continue a trabalhar lado a lado com a instalação do Visual Studio 2017 para Mac.Visual Studio 2019 for Mac Preview was launched as a separate preview, allowing you to continue to work with your Visual Studio 2017 for Mac install side-by-side.

Agora que o Visual Studio 2019 para Mac foi lançado, você pode remover com segurança o aplicativo de versão prévia do Visual Studio 2019 para Mac.Now that Visual Studio 2019 for Mac has been released, you can now safely remove the Visual Studio 2019 for Mac Preview application.

Para desinstalar o pacote de aplicativo de versão prévia, selecione Visual Studio (Preview) em sua pasta Aplicativos e clique em Mover para a Lixeira, conforme representado na imagem a seguir:To uninstall the preview application bundle, select Visual Studio (Preview) from your Applications folder and click Move to Trash, as depicted in the following image:

Você também pode remover o arquivo plist Preview com o seguinte comando:You can also remove the Preview plist file with the following command:

Confira tambémSee also

When it comes to using a mouse, everyone is different. Some like fast double-clicking, others like natural scrolling. Maybe you prefer a traditional button mouse to Apple's Magic Mouse. Maybe you want to use right-clicking again. Whatever your preferences are, you can customize them to suit you better. Here's how.

How to change the scroll direction, right-click, and tracking speed of your mouse on a Mac

The Mac operating system makes it possible for you to make adjustments to the basic actions on your mouse with just a few simple steps.

  1. Click the Apple icon in the upper-left corner of your screen.
  2. Select System Preferences.. from the dropdown menu.

  3. Click on Mouse in the System Preferences window.
  4. Click on Point & Click.

  5. Tick the box for Scrolling direction: natural to make the mouse scroll the same direction that your finger moves.
  6. Tick the box for Secondary click to enable right-clicking.

  7. Click the arrow below Secondary Click to choose whether you use the right or left side of the mouse to trigger secondary clicking.

    Note: you cannot change the secondary clicking side on a non-Apple mouse.

  8. Drag the Tracking Speed slider left or right to increase or decrease the speed at which your mouse pointer moves across the screen.

How to change the speed of double-clicking your mouse on a Mac

If you are a fast mover, you may sometimes accidentally trigger double-clicking when you didn't mean to. You can change how fast or slow you need to click a second time to trigger double-clicking on the Mac operating system.

  1. Click the Apple icon in the upper-left corner of your screen.
  2. Select System Preferences.. from the dropdown menu.

  3. Click on Accessibility in the System Preferences window.
  4. Scroll down and select Mouse & Trackpad from the menu on the left side of the Accessibility window.
  5. Drag the Double-click speed slider to the right or left to increase or decrease how fast you must click the mouse to trigger the double-click feature.

    Note: At its slowest, you can wait as long as four seconds between clicks to trigger double-clicking.

  6. Tick the box for Spring-loading delay to enable the feature that opens a folder when you hover over it with a file.

    Note: This feature is usually enabled by default.

  7. Drag the Spring-loading delay slider right or left to increase or decrease how long you have to hover over a folder with a file before it opens.

How to change the scrolling speed of your mouse on a Mac

  1. Click the Apple icon in the upper-left corner of your screen.
  2. Select System Preferences.. from the dropdown menu.

  3. Click on Accessibility in the System Preferences window.
  4. Scroll down and select Mouse & Trackpad from the menu on the left side of the Accessibility window.

  5. Click on Mouse Options
  6. Drag the Scrolling speed slider to the right or left to speed up or slow down how fast you can scroll down on a page.
  7. Click OK to exit.

How to change the gestures of your Magic Mouse on a Mac

  1. Click the Apple icon in the upper-left corner of your screen.
  2. Select System Preferences.. from the dropdown menu.

  3. Click on Mouse in the System Preferences window.
  4. Click on Point & Click.
  5. Tick the box for Smart zoom to enable the ability to double-tap the Magic Mouse to zoom in a window.
  6. Click on More Gestures.
  7. Tick the box for Swipe between pages to use your finger to swipe or scroll left and right on the Magic Mouse.
  8. Click the arrow below Swipe Between Pages to choose whether you scroll left and right with one finger, swipe left and right with two fingers, or swipe left and right with one or two fingers.

  9. Tick the box for Swipe between full-screen apps to enable the ability to swipe left or right to switch from one full-screen to another.
  10. Tick the box for Mission Control to enable the ability to lightly tap the Magic Mouse to call up Mission Control.

Any questions?

Do you have any questions about how to change the mouse settings on your Mac? Let us know in the comments and we'll answer them for you.

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