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Microsoft Remote Desktop Mac 下载

Use Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac to connect to a remote PC or virtual apps and desktops made available by your admin. With Microsoft Remote Desktop, you can be productive no matter where you are. GET STARTED Configure your PC for remote access using the information at Windows 系统均自带了远程桌面功能,你不需要额外安装软件即可通过支持「RDP 协议」的工具对它们进行远程控制。微软官方的 Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 「微软远程桌面」 应用则是简单、安全、完全免费的好用神器!也是最值得推荐的远程控制软件首选。. Microsoft remote desktop mac是一款运行在Mac平台上的微软远程桌面连接工具,配置连接时,Microsoft远程桌面允许您决定应使用的分辨率,颜色质量,全屏模式,是否要全屏启动会话,是否使用所有监视器,或者内容应该缩放。Remote Desktop下载可以从几乎任何地方连接到远程PC和您的工作资源。. Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac 10.3.6 Beta. Microsoft remote desktop mac版是一款运行在Mac平台上的微软远程桌面连接工具,配置连接时,Microsoft远程桌面允许您决定应使用的分辨率,颜色质量,全屏模式,是否要全屏启动会话,是否使用所有监视器,或者内容应该缩放。. Nov 27, 2017  Use Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac to connect to a remote PC or virtual apps and desktops made available by your admin. With Microsoft Remote Desktop, you can be productive no matter where you are. GET STARTED Configure your PC for remote access using the information at


适用于:Windows 10、Windows 8.1、Windows Server 2012 R2、Windows Server 2016Applies To: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016

可以使用适用于 Mac 的远程桌面客户端从 Mac 计算机处理 Windows 应用、资源和桌面。You can use the Remote Desktop client for Mac to work with Windows apps, resources, and desktops from your Mac computer.使用以下信息可开始使用 - 如果有问题,请查看常见问题解答。Use the following information to get started - and check out the FAQ if you have questions.


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  • 想知道 macOS 客户端的新版本吗?Curious about the new releases for the macOS client?请查看Mac 上的远程桌面的新增功能有哪些?Check out What's new for Remote Desktop on Mac?
  • Mac 客户端在运行 macOS 10.10 及更高版本的计算机上运行。The Mac client runs on computers running macOS 10.10 and newer.
  • 本文中的信息主要适用于完整版的 Mac 客户端(Mac AppStore 中可用的版本)。The information in this article applies primarily to the full version of the Mac client - the version available in the Mac AppStore.可通过在以下位置下载我们的预览应用来体验新功能:beta 版客户端发行说明。Test-drive new features by downloading our preview app here: beta client release notes.

获取远程桌面客户端Get the Remote Desktop client

按照以下步骤开始在 Mac 上使用远程桌面:Follow these steps to get started with Remote Desktop on your Mac:

  1. 从 Mac App Store 下载 Microsoft 远程桌面客户端。Download the Microsoft Remote Desktop client from the Mac App Store.
  2. 设置电脑接受远程连接。Set up your PC to accept remote connections.(如果跳过此步骤中,则无法连接到电脑。)(If you skip this step, you can't connect to your PC.)
  3. 添加远程桌面连接或远程资源。Add a Remote Desktop connection or a remote resource.可以使用连接直接连接到 Windows 电脑和远程资源,以使用 RemoteApp 程序、基于会话的桌面或是使用 RemoteApp 和桌面连接在本地发布的虚拟桌面。You use a connection to connect directly to a Windows PC and a remote resource to use a RemoteApp program, session-based desktop, or a virtual desktop published on-premises using RemoteApp and Desktop Connections.此功能通常在企业环境中可用。This feature is typically available in corporate environments.

Mac beta 版客户端怎么样?What about the Mac beta client?

我们要在 AppCenter 上测试预览频道中的新功能。We're testing new features on our preview channel on AppCenter.要看看么?Want to check it out?转到适用于 Mac 的 Microsoft 远程桌面并单击“下载” 。Go to Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac and click Download.无需创建帐户或登录 AppCenter 即可下载 beta 版客户端。You don't need to create an account or sign into AppCenter to download the beta client.

如果已有该客户端,则可以检查更新,以确保具有最新版本。If you already have the client, you can check for updates to ensure you have the latest version.在 beta 版客户端中,单击顶部的“Microsoft 远程桌面 Beta 版” ,然后单击“检查更新” 。In the beta client, click Microsoft Remote Desktop Beta at the top, and then click Check for updates.

添加远程桌面连接Add a Remote Desktop connection

若要创建远程桌面连接:To create a remote desktop connection:

  1. 在连接中心中,单击“+” ,然后单击“桌面” 。In the Connection Center, click +, and then click Desktop.

  2. 输入以下信息:Enter the following information:

    • 电脑名称 - 计算机的名称。PC name - the name of the computer.
      • 这可以是 Windows 计算机名(在“系统” 设置中找到)、域名或 IP 地址。This can be a Windows computer name (found in the System settings), a domain name, or an IP address.
      • 还可以向此名称末尾添加端口信息,如 MyDesktop:3389 。You can also add port information to the end of this name, like MyDesktop:3389.
    • 用户帐户 - 添加用于访问远程电脑的用户帐户。User Account - Add the user account you use to access the remote PC.
      • 对于已加入 Active Directory (AD) 的计算机或本地帐户,使用以下格式之一:user_name 、domainuser_name 或user_name@domain.comFor Active Directory (AD) joined computers or local accounts, use one of these formats: user_name, domainuser_name, or
      • 对于已加入 Azure Active Directory (AAD) 的计算机,使用以下格式之一:AzureADuser_name 或 AzureADuser_name@domain.comFor Azure Active Directory (AAD) joined computers, use one of these formats: AzureADuser_name or
      • 还可以选择是否需要密码。You can also choose whether to require a password.
      • 管理具有相同用户名的多个用户帐户时,设置友好名称以区分这些帐户。When managing multiple user accounts with the same user name, set a friendly name to differentiate the accounts.
      • 在应用的首选项中管理保存的用户帐户。Manage your saved user accounts in the preferences of the app.
  3. 还可以为连接设置以下可选设置:You can also set these optional settings for the connection:

    • 设置友好名称Set a friendly name
    • 添加网关Add a Gateway
    • 设置声音输出Set the sound output
    • 交换鼠标按钮Swap mouse buttons
    • 启用管理员模式Enable Admin Mode
    • 将本地文件夹重定向到远程会话中Redirect local folders into a remote session
    • 转发本地打印机Forward local printers
    • 转发智能卡Forward Smart Cards
  4. 单击 “保存”Click Save.

若要启动连接,只需双击它。To start the connection, just double-click it.这同样适用于远程资源。The same is true for remote resources.

导出和导入连接Export and import connections

可以导出远程桌面连接定义并在另一个设备上使用它。You can export a remote desktop connection definition and use it on a different device.远程桌面保存在单独的 .RDP 文件中。Remote desktops are saved in separate .RDP files.

  1. 在连接中心中,右键单击远程桌面。In the Connection Center, right-click the remote desktop.
  2. 单击“导出” 。Click Export.
  3. 浏览到要用于保存远程桌面 .RDP 文件的位置。Browse to the location where you want to save the remote desktop .RDP file.
  4. 单击“确定” 。Click OK.

使用以下步骤可导入远程桌面 .RDP 文件。Use the following steps to import a remote desktop .RDP file.

  1. 在菜单栏中,单击“文件” > “导入” 。In the menu bar, click File > Import.
  2. 浏览到 .RDP 文件。Browse to the .RDP file.
  3. 单击“打开” 。Click Open.

添加远程资源Add a remote resource

远程资源包括 RemoteApp 程序、基于会话的桌面和使用 RemoteApp 和桌面连接发布的虚拟桌面。Remote resources are RemoteApp programs, session-based desktops, and virtual desktops published using RemoteApp and Desktop Connections.

  • URL 会显示指向使你可以访问 RemoteApp 和桌面连接的 RD Web 访问服务器的链接。The URL displays the link to the RD Web Access server that gives you access to RemoteApp and Desktop Connections.
  • 配置的 RemoteApp 和桌面连接会列出。The configured RemoteApp and Desktop Connections are listed.

若要添加远程资源:To add a remote resource:

  1. 在连接中心中,单击“+” ,然后单击“添加远程资源” 。In the Connection Center click +, and then click Add Remote Resources.
  2. 输入远程资源信息:Enter information for the remote resource:
    • 源 URL - RD Web 访问服务器的 URL。Feed URL - The URL of the RD Web Access server.也可以在此字段输入公司电子邮件帐户 - 这将告知客户端搜索与电子邮件地址关联的 RD Web 访问服务器。You can also enter your corporate email account in this field – this tells the client to search for the RD Web Access Server associated with your email address.
    • 用户名称 - 要用于连接到的 RD Web 访问服务器的用户名。User name - The user name to use for the RD Web Access server you are connecting to.
    • 密码 - 要用于连接到的 RD Web 访问服务器的密码。Password - The password to use for the RD Web Access server you are connecting to.
  3. 单击 “保存”Click Save.

将在“连接中心”显示远程资源。The remote resources will be displayed in the Connection Center.

连接到 RD 网关以访问内部资产Connect to an RD Gateway to access internal assets

远程桌面网关(RD 网关)允许你从 Internet 上的任何位置连接到企业网络上的远程计算机。A Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway) lets you connect to a remote computer on a corporate network from anywhere on the Internet.可以在应用的首选项中或是在设置新桌面连接期间创建和管理网关。You can create and manage your gateways in the preferences of the app or while setting up a new desktop connection.

若要在首选项中设置新网关:To set up a new gateway in preferences:

  1. 在连接中心中,单击“首选项”>“网关” 。In the Connection Center, click Preferences > Gateways.
  2. 单击表底部的“+” 按钮,输入以下信息:Click the + button at the bottom of the table Enter the following information:
    • 服务器名称 – 要用作网关的计算机的名称。Server name – The name of the computer you want to use as a gateway.可以是 Windows 计算机名、Internet 域名或 IP 地址。This can be a Windows computer name, an Internet domain name, or an IP address.此外可以向服务器名称添加端口信息(例如:RDGateway:443 或 )。You can also add port information to the server name (for example: RDGateway:443 or
    • 用户名 - 要用于连接到的远程桌面网关的用户名和密码。User name - The user name and password to be used for the Remote Desktop gateway you are connecting to.还可以选择“使用连接凭据” 以使用与用于远程桌面连接的凭据相同的用户名和密码。You can also select Use connection credentials to use the same user name and password as those used for the remote desktop connection.

管理用户帐户Manage your user accounts

当连接到桌面或远程资源时,可以保存用户帐户以便再次选择。When you connect to a desktop or remote resources, you can save the user accounts to select from again.可以使用远程桌面客户端管理用户帐户。You can manage your user accounts by using the Remote Desktop client.

若要创建新的用户帐户:To create a new user account:

  1. 在连接中心中,单击“设置” > “帐户” 。In the Connection Center, click Settings > Accounts.
  2. 单击“添加用户帐户” 。Click Add User Account.
  3. 输入以下信息:Enter the following information:
    • 用户名 - 要保存以用于远程连接的用户名。User Name - The name of the user to save for use with a remote connection.可以使用以下任意格式输入用户名:user_name、domainuser_name 或。You can enter the user name in any of the following formats: user_name, domainuser_name, or
    • 密码 - 指定的用户密码。Password - The password for the user you specified.要保存用于远程连接的每个用户帐户都需要与之关联的密码。Every user account that you want to save to use for remote connections needs to have a password associated with it.
    • 友好名称 - 如果使用具有不同密码的相同用户帐户,则设置友好名称以区分这些用户帐户。Friendly Name - If you are using the same user account with different passwords, set a friendly name to distinguish those user accounts.
  4. 轻按“保存” ,然后轻按“设置” 。Tap Save, and then tap Settings.

自定义显示分辨率Customize your display resolution

可以为远程桌面会话指定显示分辨率。You can specify the display resolution for the remote desktop session.

  1. 在连接中心中,单击“首选项” 。In the Connection Center, click Preferences.
  2. 单击“分辨率” 。Click Resolution.
  3. 单击“+” 。Click +.
  4. 输入分辨率高度和宽度,然后单击“确定” 。Enter a resolution height and width, and then click OK.

若要删除分辨率,请选择它,然后单击“-” 。To delete the resolution, select it, and then click -.

显示具有单独的空间 如果在运行 Mac OS X 10.9 并且在 Mavericks 中禁用“显示具有单独的空间 (“系统首选项”>“任务控制 ),则需要使用相同选项在远程桌面客户端中配置此设置。 Displays have separate spaces If you are running Mac OS X 10.9 and disabled Displays have separate spaces in Mavericks (System Preferences > Mission Control), you need to configure this setting in the remote desktop client using the same option.

远程资源的驱动器重定向Drive redirection for remote resources

远程资源支持驱动器重定向,以便可以将使用远程应用程序创建的文件在本地保存到 Mac。Drive redirection is supported for remote resources, so that you can save files created with a remote application locally to your Mac.重定向的文件夹始终是在远程会话中显示为网络驱动器的主目录。The redirected folder is always your home directory displayed as a network drive in the remote session.


若要使用此功能,管理员需要在服务器上设置适当的设置。In order to use this feature, the administrator needs to set the appropriate settings on the server.

在远程会话中使用键盘Use a keyboard in a remote session

Mac 键盘布局与 Windows 键盘布局不同。Mac keyboard layouts differ from the Windows keyboard layouts.

  • Mac 键盘上的 Command 键等于 Windows 键。The Command key on the Mac keyboard equals the Windows key.
  • 若要执行使用 Mac 上的 Command 按钮的操作,需要使用 Windows 中的控制按钮(例如:复制 = Ctrl + C)。To perform actions that use the Command button on the Mac, you will need to use the control button in Windows (e.g.: Copy = Ctrl + C).
  • 可以通过额外按 FN 键在会话中激活功能键(例如:FN + F1)。The function keys can be activated in the session by pressing additionally the FN key (e.g.: FN + F1).
  • Mac 键盘上空格键右侧的 Alt 键等于 Windows 中的 Alt Gr/右 Alt 键。The Alt key to the right of the space bar on the Mac keyboard equals the Alt Gr/right Alt key in Windows.

默认情况下,远程会话会使用与客户端运行的操作系统相同的键盘区域设置。By default, the remote session will use the same keyboard locale as the OS you're running the client on.(如果 Mac 运行美国英语操作系统,则也会对远程会话使用该操作系统。)如果未使用操作系统键盘区域设置,请检查远程电脑上的键盘设置并手动更改该设置。(If your Mac is running an en-us OS, that will be used for the remote sessions as well.) If the OS keyboard locale is not used, check the keyboard setting on the remote PC and change it manually.有关键盘和区域设置的更多信息,请参阅远程桌面客户端常见问题解答。See the Remote Desktop Client FAQ for more information about keyboards and locales.

对远程桌面网关可插入身份验证和授权的支持Support for Remote Desktop gateway pluggable authentication and authorization

Windows Server 2012 R2 引入了对新身份验证方法(即远程桌面网关可插入身份验证和授权)的支持,该方法可为自定义身份验证例程提供更高的灵活性。Windows Server 2012 R2 introduced support for a new authentication method, Remote Desktop Gateway pluggable authentication and authorization, which provides more flexibility for custom authentication routines.现在可以通过 Mac 客户端尝试此身份验证模型。You can now try this authentication model with the Mac client.


不支持 Windows 8.1 之前的自定义身份验证和授权模型,尽管上面的文章讨论了它们。Custom authentication and authorization models before Windows 8.1 are not supported, although the article above discusses them.

若要了解有关此功能的更多信息,请查看。To learn more about this feature, check out


欢迎提出问题和意见。Questions and comments are always welcome.但是,请不要使用本文末尾的评论功能来请求获取故障排除帮助。However, please do NOT post a request for troubleshooting help by using the comment feature at the end of this article.而是转到远程桌面客户端论坛并启动一个新线程。Instead, go to the Remote Desktop client forum and start a new thread.有功能建议?Have a feature suggestion?请在客户端用户心声论坛告诉我们。Tell us in the client user voice forum.


适用于:Windows 10、Windows 8.1、Windows Server 2019、Windows Server 2016、Windows Server 2012 R2Applies to: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2

可以使用远程桌面通过 Microsoft 远程桌面客户端(适用于 Windows、iOS、macOS 和 Android)从远程设备连接并控制你的电脑。You can use Remote Desktop to connect to and control your PC from a remote device by using a Microsoft Remote Desktop client (available for Windows, iOS, macOS and Android).当你允许远程连接到你的电脑时,可以使用其他设备连接到你的电脑并访问所有应用、文件和网络资源,就像坐在办公桌前一样。When you allow remote connections to your PC, you can use another device to connect to your PC and have access to all of your apps, files, and network resources as if you were sitting at your desk.


可以使用远程桌面连接到 Windows 10 专业版和企业版、Windows 8.1 和 8 企业版和专业版、Windows 7 专业版、企业版和旗舰版以及比 Windows Server 2008 更高的 Windows Server 版本。You can use Remote Desktop to connect to Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise, Windows 8.1 and 8 Enterprise and Pro, Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate, and Windows Server versions newer than Windows Server 2008.不能连接到运行家庭版的计算机(如 Windows 10 家庭版)。You can't connect to computers running a Home edition (like Windows 10 Home).

若要连接到远程电脑,必须打开该电脑,它必须具有网络连接,必须启用远程桌面,你必须具有对远程电脑的网络访问权限(可以通过 Internet 访问),并且必须具有连接权限。To connect to a remote PC, that computer must be turned on, it must have a network connection, Remote Desktop must be enabled, you must have network access to the remote computer (this could be through the Internet), and you must have permission to connect.若要获得连接权限,你必须在用户列表中。For permission to connect, you must be on the list of users.开始连接之前,最好先找到要连接的计算机的名称,并确保允许远程桌面连接通过其防火墙。Before you start a connection, it's a good idea to look up the name of the computer you're connecting to and to make sure Remote Desktop connections are allowed through its firewall.

如何启用远程桌面How to enable Remote Desktop

若要允许从远程设备访问你的电脑,最简单的方法是使用“设置”下的远程桌面选项。The simplest way to allow access to your PC from a remote device is using the Remote Desktop options under Settings.由于此功能是在 Windows 10 Fall Creators update (1709) 中加入的,因此还提供了一个单独的可下载应用,可为早期 Windows 版本提供类似的功能。Since this functionality was added in the Windows 10 Fall Creators update (1709), a separate downloadable app is also available that provides similar functionality for earlier versions of Windows.你也可以使用旧方法来启用远程桌面,但此方法提供的功能和验证较少。You can also use the legacy way of enabling Remote Desktop, however this method provides less functionality and validation.

Windows 10 Fall Creator Update (1709) 或更高版本Windows 10 Fall Creator Update (1709) or later

只需几个简单的步骤便可为电脑配置远程访问。You can configure your PC for remote access with a few easy steps.

Microsoft Remote Desktop Mac 下载 Pro

  1. 在要连接的设备上,选择“开始”,然后单击左侧的“设置”图标 。On the device you want to connect to, select Start and then click the Settings icon on the left.
  2. 选择后跟“远程桌面”项的“系统”组 。Select the System group followed by the Remote Desktop item.
  3. 使用滑块启用远程桌面。Use the slider to enable Remote Desktop.
  4. 另外,建议让电脑保持唤醒和可检测到的状态,以便于连接。It is also recommended to keep the PC awake and discoverable to facilitate connections.单击“显示设置”即可启用 。Click Show settings to enable.
  5. 通过单击“选择可以远程访问此电脑的用户”,根据需要添加可以进行远程连接的用户 。As needed, add users who can connect remotely by clicking Select users that can remotely access this PC.
    1. Administrators 组的成员自动拥有访问权限。Members of the Administrators group automatically have access.
  6. 记下“如何连接到此电脑”下此电脑的名称 。Make note of the name of this PC under How to connect to this PC.需要用它来配置客户端。You'll need this to configure the clients.

Windows 7 和早期版本的 Windows 10Windows 7 and early version of Windows 10

若要为电脑配置远程访问,请下载并运行 Microsoft 远程桌面助手。To configure your PC for remote access, download and run the Microsoft Remote Desktop Assistant.此助手将更新系统设置以启用远程访问,确保计算机处于可连接的唤醒状态,并检查防火墙是否允许远程桌面连接。This assistant updates your system settings to enable remote access, ensures your computer is awake for connections, and checks that your firewall allows Remote Desktop connections.

所有 Windows 版本(旧方法)All versions of Windows (Legacy method)

若要使用旧系统属性启用远程桌面,请按照使用“远程桌面连接”连接到另一台计算机中的说明进行操作。To enable Remote Desktop using the legacy system properties, follow the instructions to Connect to another computer using Remote Desktop Connection.

我应该启用远程桌面吗?Should I enable Remote Desktop?

如果只想在使用实体电脑时访问电脑,则无需启用远程桌面。If you only want to access your PC when you are physically using it, you don't need to enable Remote Desktop.启用远程桌面会在你的电脑上打开本地网络可见的端口。Enabling Remote Desktop opens a port on your PC that is visible to your local network.应仅在受信任的网络中启用远程桌面,比如家里。You should only enable Remote Desktop in trusted networks, such as your home.你也不会想在任何严格控制访问权限的电脑上启用远程桌面。You also don't want to enable Remote Desktop on any PC where access is tightly controlled.

请注意,允许访问远程桌面,即表示授予 Administrators 组中的任何人以及所选的任何其他用户在计算机上远程访问其帐户的能力。Be aware that when you enable access to Remote Desktop, you are granting anyone in the Administrators group, as well as any additional users you select, the ability to remotely access their accounts on the computer.

应确保可以访问你的电脑的每个帐户都配置了强密码。You should ensure that every account that has access to your PC is configured with a strong password.

为什么仅允许使用网络级别身份验证进行连接?Why allow connections only with Network Level Authentication?

如果要限制谁可以访问你的电脑,请选择仅允许使用网络级别身份验证 (NLA) 进行访问。If you want to restrict who can access your PC, choose to allow access only with Network Level Authentication (NLA).启用此选项后,用户必须先向网络验证身份,然后才能连接到你的电脑。When you enable this option, users have to authenticate themselves to the network before they can connect to your PC.仅允许使用 NLA 从运行远程桌面的计算机进行连接是一种更安全的身份验证方法,可以帮助保护计算机免受恶意用户和软件的侵害。Allowing connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with NLA is a more secure authentication method that can help protect your computer from malicious users and software.若要了解有关 NLA 和远程桌面的详细信息,请查看为 RDS 连接配置 NLA。To learn more about NLA and Remote Desktop, check out Configure NLA for RDS Connections.

Microsoft Remote Desktop Mac

如果从家庭网络外部远程连接到该网络上的电脑,请不要选择此选项。If you're remotely connecting to a PC on your home network from outside of that network, don't select this option.